Posts made in July 2022

IRflex granted Patent for Polarization-maintaining Photonic Crystal Fiber

IRflex Corporation is proud to announce that on July 19, 2022, the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued Patent Number US 11,391,886 B2 to IRflex Corporation for the Polarization-Maintaining Photonics Crystal Fiber (PM-PCF) and the protection of this corporate product invention and intellectual property.

The new PM-PCF has an asymmetric orthogonal pattern of longitudinal holes having different periods and diameters.  The PM-PCF is designed and made of chalcogenide glass to offer endlessly single mode in the mid-infrared (2-6 microns) with good beam quality (M2~1).  The guided mode is circular to improve the coupling efficiency and to collimate the output beam with a single lens.  The large mode area enables the transmission of high-power polarized infrared laser (>10W CW).  Also, the new PM-PCF has high birefringence (~10-4), low propagation losses (0.2dB/m), and low insertion loss (<0.1dB).  PM-PCF prototypes are being tested and we expect to start production in Q1 of 2023.