April 30, 2015 IRflex Corporation recently launched new IRF-Se-12 single mode longwave Mid-IR fiber and it is now available for commercial sales.
IRflex Corporation has designed and manufactured IRF-Se-12 nonlinear single-mode LWIR fiber made of As2Se3 glass. The fiber’s transmission ranges from 1.5 to 9.7 micron. The step-index LWIR fiber has a core of ~12 micron diameter and numerical aperture of 0.47. The fiber is truly single-mode for wavelength larger than its 7.4 micron cutoff. For wavelength shorter than its cutoff and with proper coupling, the transmitted beam could remain single-mode (or slightly multimode) over short length of fiber (<2 meters) for the entire fiber transmission range. The nonlinear single-mode LWIR fiber can be used for direct transmission or supercontinuum generation in the long wave mid-infrared.