IRflex Is in the Local News – The Facility Tour Was Given to the Danville Development Council

September 30, 2014  Dr. Francois Chenard, the CEO and founder of IRflex Corporation, has given the Danville Development Council a tour of IRflex Corporation located at Dan River Business Development Center.

Through federal and state funding, Dan River Business Development Center is one part in a long chain of efforts by Danville City and Pittsylvania Country for economic and business development and providing job opportunities for the region.  The business incubator has been a temporary home to multiple business and industries, housing:   small start-up to larger or advanced scientific companies, like the current IRflex Corporation, Tyton Bioengergy Systems and Engineered Biopharmaceuticals.

Dr. Chenard presented IRflex Corporation’s high-tech lab facilities:  ISO5, Class 100 clean enclosure for fiber draw tower, ISO7, 1000 clean room and highly specialized glass fabrication, processing and characterization laboratory for design and manufacture of chalcogenide glass fibers and devices for mid-infared applications to the point and far exceed what is commercially available.

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